Top 3 Barriers to Growth–and how to overcome them

Marketing, Management, Profit

What’s keeping you from growing your business to the size and profitability you want? How can you bust through those barriers and move to the next level? I hear these every day:

  • Marketing. “What used to work is no longer working, and I’m having trouble getting the customers I need.”
  • Profit. “Revenue is coming in, but I’m not taking any more home.”
  • Time. “I spend so much time running day-to-day operations, I don’t look at the big picture to make sure we’re staying on track.”
  • Employees. “I hire good people, but they’re just not doing the job I want.”
  • Growth management. “The bigger we grow, the more hours I put in. I feel like the guy trying to keep all the plates spinning.”

These are the kind of growth barriers I hear constantly. If you don’t handle these, they can drag you down. But they don’t have to hold you back. Small tweaks in the way you run your business can make a huge difference.

Most entrepreneurs don’t even see these barriers, or they think they are cast in stone and nothing can be done. For example, “I know I can’t find good people; I’ve just got to do this myself.” This is baloney!

These aren’t cast in stone! They can be changed. I’ve been working with owners long enough, I’ve heard every single one of these complaints, and as a new set of eyes, I can see the way through it, even when it looks impenetrable to you. Once you see them laid out, you say, “Oh yeah, I could do that. I just need some guidance.”

Three ways you can work with me:

1.     One session. 90 minutes.  As you describe them, I’ll sketch out the growth challenges you face, in a way so that you can see how they fit together, and suggest ways to break out of the trap you’re in. You’ll leave saying, “Wow! It’s now clear to me what I need to do!” $195

2.     Three sessions.  A more detailed plan with specific tools to tackle each of the barriers you face. You’ll put them into practice, we’ll review your progress, and tweak the plan. $595 includes customized tools.

3.     Six months. I’ll work with you to make the changes you need in your business. Set a plan for change, set activities and targets, review progress, tweak as necessary, and get results. $1995

Owners I work with see big changes in their business!

We work in person, or by phone with screen sharing, or a combo. (Skype, StartMeeting)

No risk try-out. I’ll check with you half way through the first session. If you see it’s not for you, then you owe me nothing.

Selected people are also invited to one of our ongoing business owner groups that meets each month, for planning, learning from your peers, problems solving, and accountability.



I help you, step-by-step, work through your barriers and come out on the other side, so that you grow to the size and profitability you want, and run your business with ease, balance, and satisfaction.

1. Assessment. Where are you going? What is your desired growth track?

2. Your growth barriers. What gets in your way, slows you down? Recurring problems, dilemmas, uncertainties. How do these clump together?

3. Find potential solutions. What are your strengths to draw upon?

4.  Apply tools to tackle various parts of the problem, e.g., Vicious Circle to Virtuous Circle, The Problem Solvent

5. Lay out a program to overcome the problems and implement solutions.

6. Work the plan. Implement. Review. Refine. Repeat.

7. Completion. Celebrate. Reward yourself and your people.

8. Next phase? As you grow, you want to avoid the next barrier coming along.


Interested? Want to find out more? Contact me by phone or email. Better do it now while you’re thinking about it.

Mike 415-491-1896