Smash Through Your Toughest Growth Barrier–Mike’s Special Offer

During our webinar, if you thought, “Yikes, Mike was talking about me! I need a Culture of Growth and Profitability, and to get my marketing efforts aligned,” then here’s a perfect way to kick start it.

Work 1 on 1 with me, by phone or at my office. We’ll work on your toughest barrier to growth.

You know what it is. Yes, THAT one! You pick the area. In just 1 1/2 to 2 hours, you’ll come away with a roadmap to your desired growth and profitability. I can get results quickly because I’m quite familiar with the challenges entrepreneurs face.

1. Marketing and Sales

• The Magic Chain of Marketing. What are your missing links, that weaken your entire effort?

• Where do you have resistance to marketing or selling?

2. Profitability

• The 12 Principles of Small Business Profitability. How do you stack up? What should you improve?

• Cash flow and profit. How can you boost yours?

• Your paycheck. How big does your business need to be to pay you what you want?

3. Growth

• How do you get in the way of your own growth?

• How can you promote yourself to CEO?

• How can you focus your efforts on growth, and hand off the rest?

Have a combination of these?

It works best to deal with them together, so they don’t pop back up later.

You’ll leave with a $10,000 idea!

Ebook included

Take my ebook that is most relevant to your challenge. I can tell you which one or ones.

• Build a Culture of Change

• Introduce Change to Your Employees

• Recapture Your Time

• Promote Yourself to CEO

• Magic Chain of Marketing

• Boost Cash Flow & Profitability

$149. Half price

Payable by credit card or PayPal.

After this session, if you want my help in putting into play the plans we come up with, just look here for the ways I provide ongoing support.